Viewing Economics (1 - 12 of 12)

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  • Course for Production Methods

    The methods described in the course include: (note that potato late blight and other plant diseases are also discussed)

    • Sustainable production
    • Precision farming
    • Precision viticulture

  • World Agricultural Supply and Demand Report

    World Agricultural Supply and Demand Report

  • Giełda

    Giełda rolna i towarowa

    Dane giełdowe – platforma skierowana do producentów rolnych i firm działających na rynku rolno-spożywczym. Platforma jest internetowym sposobem komunikowania się sprzedających i kupujących oraz obrotu produktami rolnymi z wykorzystaniem internetowych ogłoszeń rolniczych w kategoriach produkcją roślinna, produkcja zwierzęca, maszyny rolnicze, wyposażenie, nieruchomości, opakowania, odzież, praca nawozy, środki ochrony roślin.

    Przykładowe linki do giełdy rolnej:

  • Gotowe rozwiązania do wdrażania i wykorzystania

    Rozwiązania sprzętowe i systemowe mogące usprawnić pracę i zarządzanie.

  • Notowania cen

    Notowania cen produktów rolniczych i środków do produkcji na terenie działania WODR w Poznaniu

  • Koniunktura w rolnictwie - kwiecień 2016

    Analizy: koniunktura w rolnictwie, kwiecień 2016

  • Kalkulacje rolnicze

    Kalkulacje rolnicze dla produkcji roślinnej i zwierzęcej

  • Zarządzanie gospodarstwem rolnym

    Zarządzanie gospodarstwem rolnym, aktualna sytuacja cen nawozów w województwie wielkopolskim

  • Course for Management Methods

    This course in on management methods regarding farm management. The methods covered in this course include:

    1. Knowledge Management: relationship between people, processes and technology systems involved in designing, capturing and implementing the intellectual infrastructure of an organisation. I
    2. Logistic: transport of products to and from the farm as to and from the field including all the use of machinery involved in using seeds, fertilizer, pesticides to harvest the results from the fields.
    3. Tactical Planning: recommend optimal production and land use for next seasons to maximize the expected profit.

  • Course for Market Analysis for farm management

    Market knowledge is of primary importance for making any production plans or sales. The provision of reliable information related to the economic dynamics, market’s needs, crop forecast, seed prices, costs of inputs (such as fuel and fertilizer), agri-chemicals, micro-ingredients, transport and processing, farm machinery, total industry value, labour indicators and commodity market value is a key component in managing agri-business strategically . Therefore, an overview about the market trends empower farmers to make well-informed decisions as well as effectively respond to new arising situations.

    This is covering Wielkopolska region in Poland and for the potato late blight in crops

  • Course on Data for Software Components and tools of Farm Management

    This course is on the source of data and data management used for the software components and tools of Farm Management. The tutorials available are as follows:

    1. Data management (Map data and Marketplace)
    2. Data Visualization (Widgets and Mashup )
    3. Data Fusion (methods)

  • Course on technological solution for software components and tools of Farm Management

    This course is on the technological solutions for the software components and tools of Farm Management. The tutorials available are as follows:

    1. Mobile Applications
    2. APIs Design

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